The template offers different module styles. These can be defined as a so-called class in the Layout Manager. A combination of styles is of course also possible, for example bg-primary rounded-lg text-white
- Aktuelle Seite:
- Gruppenangebote |
- Features
- home
- sign-in
- sign-out
- user
- users
- lock
- unlock
- settings
- cog
- nut
- comment
- commenting
- comments
- hashtag
- tag
- cart
- credit-card
- receiver
- search
- location
- bookmark
- code
- paint-bucket
- camera
- video-camera
- bell
- microphone
- bolt
- star
- heart
- happy
- lifesaver
- rss
- social
- git-branch
- git-fork
- world
- calendar
- clock
- history
- future
- pencil
- trash
- move
- link
- question
- info
- warning
- image
- thumbnails
- table
- list
- menu
- grid
- more
- more-vertical
- plus
- plus-circle
- minus
- minus-circle
- close
- check
- ban
- refresh
- play
- play-circle
- tv
- desktop
- laptop
- tablet
- phone
- tablet-landscape
- phone-landscape
- file
- file-text
- file-pdf
- copy
- file-edit
- folder
- album
- push
- pull
- server
- database
- cloud-upload
- cloud-download
- download
- upload
- reply
- forward
- expand
- shrink
- arrow-up
- arrow-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- chevron-up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-double-left
- chevron-double-right
- triangle-up
- triangle-down
- triangle-left
- triangle-right
- bold
- italic
- strikethrough
- quote-right
- 500px
- behance
- dribbble
- etsy
- flickr
- foursquare
- github
- github-alt
- gitter
- google-plus
- joomla
- pagekit
- soundcloud
- tripadvisor
- tumblr
- uikit
- vimeo
- wordpress
- yelp
- youtube
Seite 1 von 7